Understanding South African Development Finance Institutions to promote accountability

This report researched and written by the Bertha Centre for the Fair Finance Coalition Southern Africa, aims to understand the role of six African Public Finance Institutions (PFIs). The institutions covered in the report are the African Development Bank, Industrial Development Corporation, Public Investment Corporation, Development Bank of Southern Africa, Export Credit Insurance Corporation, and the New Development Bank. The report reviews literature on the PFIs and includes interviews conducted by the researchers. It covers overviews of the PFIs, including their history and their role in the context of climate change, analysis and reccomendations. It offers actionable steps for DFIs, civil society, and communities regarding DFIs’ role in climate action. The report has been used to inform the work of the FFCSA.

FFCSA Report Understanding South African DFIs

FFCSA Report Understanding South African DFIs - Appendix A - Institutional Exhibits (standalone)

FFCSA's DBSA CSO Forum Proposal

When meeting with the Board of the DBSA in Nov 2022, the FFCSA was invited to submit a proposal to the DBSA for a regular CSO Forum in order to consistently raise and engage on mutual interests. This proposal was submitted in April 2023 to the DBSA. While this proposal was not implemented in its entirety, the FFCSA continues to engage the DBSA.

Response to DBSA’s CSO Workshop on the Just Transition: February 2024